2015년 6월 26일 금요일

Pray for me to get fundraising

Help Support a Young Adult Volunteer (YAV)

  A Program of Presbyterian World Mission, Presbyterian Mission Agency

Jihye Chung
Young Adult Volunteer, Atlanta Georgia
From South Korea                                                                                                                            
Hannam University (South Korea)
Law major.

Contact Information

Why I wanted to be YAV
  I grew up in Christian family under advices to pastor, my dad but the time I truly met Jesus in my heart was when 15 years old. I was full of joy about knowing him and happy to pray and sing for God. One day while praying to God, I said that I want to give him one year of my 20’s like tithe through my life. As time went on, I’ve become college student and finished sophomore year. I was planning study abroad to other country. However, I was told that there’s opportunity to go to America as YAV for Korean students. After knowing that opportunity, I was thinking a lot about what’s good for me. But I recognized soon I tried to make a decision on only my thinking and not asking to God. So I put down everything on my head and started to pray and ask God what his plan is toward my life. He made my plan to go study abroad gone in unexpected ways and I had only one choice to come America. I believe he remembered my promise and sent me to here to make his good and wonderful plans for his beloved people.

What I am doing in Atlanta
Now I work at Action ministries Atlanta. They serve homeless women through the Women’s community kitchen and homeless children through the Children’s program. I help serving meals to ladies and organizing donated stuffs and teaching how to play the piano to homeless and kids. It was not easy to work when I first got to here because of language and different cultural parts. However, I grown up and learn how to step up toward every new goal through this experience and believe I can do anything if I really desire and make effort to try it. Sometimes I have hard time physically and emotionally but whenever I see the people who feel thanks to even one small meal and don’t forget to say the food was so delicious, I feel truly glad and that makes me motivated to work. Only one thing I’m little sad is that if I can speak without any difficulty in English, I would be more close and share lots thinking earlier than now. Even it took long time but I would like to keep thinking how this moment is valuable and do my best during my last several weeks.

How Can You Support Me?
·                     Your Prayers:  Pray for me and for the people with whom I have been living and serving this year.
·                     Your Interest in My Year of Service:  Follow my experience by reading my electronic newsletter.  Please
send me your e-mail address.
·                     Your Financial Gifts:  Give a tax-deductible contribution as a one-time gift or in installments over the course
of my year of service. You may give online at http://www.presbyterianmission.org/donate/E051472/  and include
my name in the comments section. Or checks can be sent to the address below. Include on the memo line of
the check my name and the ECO# E051472. Make checks out to PC(USA). Presbyterian Church (USA)     

Remittance Processing

P.O. Box 643700

Pittsburg, PA 15264-37

(Please write YAV name (Jihye chung) and ECO # E051472 on the checks.)

More Information about the Young Adult Volunteer Program of the PC (USA)

The Young Adult Volunteer Program (YAV) is an opportunity for persons between the ages of 19 and 30 to explore their call to the work of Jesus Christ. This one-year program offers participants the experience of both mission service and mission learning. Each program site shares common components which enhance the experience, i.e., orientation, service, prayer and Bible study, leadership development, and an end-of-term retreat. While sharing these program elements, each site uniquely challenges the participants to explore their relationship to God, to the church, and their ministry in a broken world.

Participants are challenged by the practices of intentional community living, simple lifestyle, and devotion to prayer and service. Each site’s unique form of service provides an opportunity for learning about the mission of today’s church in the world.

YAV Sites in 2014-2015

Atlanta, Georgia
Austin, Texas
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Boston, Massachusetts
Chicago, Illinois
Chinook, Montana

Denver, Colorado
Nashville, Tennessee
New Orleans, Louisiana
Hollywood, California
Indianapolis, Indiana
Little Rock, Arkansas

South Korea
Miami, Florida
San Antonio, Texas
Tucson, Arizona
Washington, DC

For More Information
To learn more about the Young Adult Volunteer program, visit the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) website

Program Costs
Although the cost for a year’s appointment as a Young Adult Volunteer varies by site location, each volunteer is required to raise $3,000 toward his/her own support and in my case, Korea volunteer is required to raise $8,500 Because this program is base on support young adults in America. Last year I quit my semester and worked to make a fundraising for six month and got supported from family and my church as a result I could pay $4,000. And now, I am in situation to pay left half fundraising $4,500. Supplemental funding is provided through the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), including a percentage of the annual Pentecost Offering. Young Adult Volunteers are responsible for securing funds through gifts and pledges based on the following schedule.

Funding Requirement
Due By
July 31, 2015

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